Introducing the IPinfo Tags pages

Get high-level information on ASNs and IP addresses

Our new tags page highlights the different types of IP metadata information we have on individual IP addresses and ASNs.

  1. Anycast: IP addresses that are shared by multiple servers or networks.
  2. BitTorrent: The presence of the BitTorrent P2P file sharing protocol.
  3. CDN: Content delivery network
  4. Cloud: Cloud services
  5. Crawler: Search Engine crawler.
  6. GeoDNS: Geographic Domain Name Service
  7. Hosting: Hosting service or data center
  8. Hotspot: Public WiFi hotspot
  9. IX: Internet exchange
  10. Mobile: Carrier IP or ASN
  11. Nameserver: Name server IP or ASN
  12. Proxy: Proxy IP address or ASN
  13. Relay: Relay IP address or ASN
  14. Eouter: Internet router IP address
  15. Satellite: Satellite-based ISP
  16. SSH: Presence of SSH in a server
  17. TOR: Tor IP address
  18. VPN: VPN IP address and VPN provider ASN
  19. Webserver: Presence of a web server

We provide stats on each tag as well.

Feel free to suggest additional tags for us to show and any stats, summary analytics, or visualizations you would like to see on the website.

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