Hey yall im having this problem when i try to open ipinfo.io it says "Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server" can someone help?

so i was using this bootstrapper for roblox named bloxstarp
there is a setting named query server location which uses ipinfo.io to tell a server’s location and ip and etc…
it didnt work adn gave me an error message.
so i went to ipinfo.io and when i went there it gave me and error message saying

Error: Forbidden

Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server.
can someone help?


Thank you for posting in our community. I am familiar with the Bloxstrap project. Can you kindly DM me with your IP address so I can investigate the issue? Thanks!

idk how to dm so ill just post it here

We are investigating the issue. Thanks!

Hi Artin,

We investigated the issue. Unfortunately, GCP thinks your IP geolocation may be in a US-sanctioned country. For your regular internet browsing activity, it should be a non-issue, but as our infrastructure is hosted in GCP’s infrastructure, their IP geolocation acts as a layer on top of our service. We believe the IP geolocation issue flagged by GCP is wrong.

You can take a look at this post for more information: